AD INFINITUM di Fupete & Eva e il Lupo — 9 Aprile 21:30 Teatro Rossini di Casciana Alta (Lari) #concerto #disegnato
Tag Archives: live art
Ad Infinitum
Codename “Fury” / Release alpha 0.4
Keywords: #lines #air #drawing #space #3d.
Technologies: Leap Motion, Processing.
MAY 29th in San Marino — During the white night of the University of San Marino, starting 21:30 in the garden of the Antico Monastero of Santa Chiara, curated by Master Degree in Design @ Unirsm Disegno Industriale
Parole chiave: #lines #air #drawing #space #3d.
Tecnologie: Leap Motion, Processing.
29 MAGGIO San Marino — In occasione della notte bianca dell’Unirsm Disegno Industriale, alle ore 21:30 presso gli Orti dell’Antico Monastero di Santa Chiara, a cura del Corso di Laurea magistrale in design
Evento FB con molte altre belle cose >
Generative Design Drawing @ UnirSM / IUAV
“Drawing(a)live – CODE e Disegni”, Biennale Disegno Rimini, Spazio Duomo, Rimini
“Drawing(a)live”, Future Film Festival, Cinema Lumière, Bologna
Spunti dai progetti di metà semestre. Cues from mid term projects.
Performances/installations and videos results of my course “Generative Design Drawing”. Adjunt professor in Systems of Information Processing, theory and lab. Master degree in Design A/Y 2013-14. University of the Republic of San Marino / University IUAV of Venice.
Docente a contratto / Adjunt professor
Daniele Tabellini (metà di Fupete / half of Fupete)
Assistente / Assistant
Pietro Spagnolo
Studenti / Students
Elisa Canini, Federica Capotosti, Gloria Galli, Davide Giardina, Elena La Maida, Federico Lo Porto, Emanuele Lumini, Sofia Macaluso, Laura Monetini, Thomas Righi, Luna Valentini, Eugenio Vannoni.
Grazie a / Thanks to
Erika Gabbani (l’altra metà di Fupete / the other half of Fupete), Andrea Angelucci (chitarra / guitar), Gianni Sinni, Michele Zannoni e Alessandra Bosco.
Materiali dal corso / Course resources
Vimeo Album:
GitHub Repositories:
Syllabus: &
#Tessuto 2011 2013
Dalla presentazione: “Immagini e visioni di una ragazza in cerca di sua madre in un paese straniero compongono uno spettacolo basato sull’interazione fra recitazione, disegno dal vivo e musica live. I tre aspetti sono a tal punto compenetrati che non possono sussistere l’uno senza l’altro e creano un equilibrio sottile che attraversa l’azione teatrale, l’improvvisazione e la performance visuale.”
Come Fupete firmiamo la regia visiva e l’idea delle scenografie e delle luci disegnate dal vivo usando lo strumento opensource di disegno digitale dal vivo Tagtool. Durante la Primavera 2011, in molte notti di lavoro collettivo coi ragazzi di Cascina Barà, prove e confronto a tutto campo, disegniamo e progettiamo una vera e propria regia visiva per lo spettacolo, un’ossatura visiva, quasi uno spartito che poi in scena esegue e disegna dal vivo Alessio Trillini; Alessio è autore anche delle splendide coperte disegnate usate in scena.
Crediti completi, scheda tecnica e rassegna stampa:
From the presentation: “Pictures and visions of a girl in search of her mother in a foreign country make a show based on the interaction between acting, live drawing and live music. The three aspects are so permeated that there cannot be one without other, and this creates a fine balance that crosses the theatrical action, the improvisation and the visual performance.”
As Fupete we sign the visual direction and the idea of scenography and lighting drawn live using the live digital drawing opensource tool Tagtool. During Spring 2011, in many nights of collective work with they guys of Cascina Barà, rehersals and discussion all round, we draw and design a genuine visual direction for the show, a visual skeleton, almost a score which then performs on stage and draws live Alessio Trillini; Alessio is also the author of the beautiful drawn blankets used in the scene.
Full credits, technical details and press release in italian language:
Appunti per uno storyboard visivo dello spettacolo, Fupete 2011
Immagini dal lavoro preliminare di studio a Cascina Barà, disegni Fupete, Santo Pietro Belvedere/Pisa Primavera 2011
Notes for a visual storyboard of the show, Fupete 2011
Pictures from the preliminary studio work at Cascina Barà, drawings Fupete, Santo Pietro Belvedere/Pisa Spring 2011
#Tessuto will be this Thursday 14 at Teatro Studio in Scandicci/Florence for ZOOM Festival:
Prossime date/calendario:
Next dates / schedule:
MAM Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City
One year ago I was performing at MAM Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City in duo with Manuel Monroy, just updated the project page with video and photos here
Primo Maggio Disegna Camaiore
ELECTRO BAU – Live painting at Lu.C.C.A.
Some photos of a live painting I did in May at the Lu.C.C.A. Museum – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art in Lucca, Italy, for the launch event of the Nine issue of the assembled magazine “BAU“, in which I have distributed the networking research: a serie of 199 drawn portraits of websites of my network contacts and a self-portrait.
Alcune foto di un live painting al Museo Lu.C.C.A. – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art lo scorso Maggio per la presentazione del numero Nove della rivista assemblata “BAU“, in cui ho distribuito la ricerca networking: una serie di 199 ritratti disegnati di siti web di contatti dal mio network e un autoritratto.
Live Space Abstraction
Live digital drawings on the painting “Abstraction” by David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1934 — Museo de Arte Moderno de México / Museum of Modern Art of Mexico City September 2012 — Part of Drawing(a)live México 2012
Updates: tons of pictures and materials…

Just got back at the studio in Italy! I have the desktop invaded by tons of pictures and materials from the last six months I spent around the world. If I survive the jet lag and to the jump from the gigantic Mexico City to our small town expect a lot of updates in the coming days.
Tons of pictures and materials from the last six months I spent around the world mean:
- The installations (1, 2) for the NOVA Festival in Sao Paulo last April.
- The workshop “Krisis” I held at the Art Academy of Urbino in May, focused on performance and diy artistic practices.
- The solo exhibition “Brucia” (3) for the ROJO Artspace Milano.
- The audiovisual concerts at the Lucania Film Festival in Pisticci and in the cloister of the Abbey of Montescaglioso early August (4).
- The illustrations I did for an exclusive collection of dishes and aprons for Cirio Alta Cucina (5).
- The exhibition of drawings “Matad Caballo Amarillo” (6, 7) currently ongoing in Mexico City at Vértigo Gallery.
- Last but not least my contributes to the Festival Drawing(a)live (8) just closed in Mexico: the live digital drawing and animation on a painting by Alfaro Siqueiros (!) at the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City, the live digital drawing and animation for the concerts of the powerful mexican band Twin Tones, at Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico City and at Museo del Ferrocarril in Oaxaca and the workshops I held about technologies and practices for live drawing performances.
Yes, a mountain of material to organize and review.
While you wait, if you have not already done so, watch the video I directed for “Schiavi Moderni” (trans. Modern Slaves), the last single by Rhumornero. It’s my first video direction, original subject, live digital drawings, no post-production, no budget and more beautyfull crap like these. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did directing it. Let’s color this dark world, are you ready?
That’s all folk.